An awesome friend and client gave us a few of their old costumes and this sweet little Winnie the Pooh was among the loot. I was going to do a picture with a jar of honey but decided to do something a little different, so we re-created the white jacket version of the book The Tao of Pooh.  I think it looks pretty close.  The coat was a little bit of a struggle.  The only yellow coat I could quickly and cheaply find was this windbreaker from the Goodwill.  I untied a dollar store Christmas bow to make all of the red trim.  It’s just stuck on with glue and safety pins. A yellow swing coat or raincoat certainly would have been a better alternative. Stella was very excited over the kite.  She’s going to be disappointed if she actually tries to fly it though.

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In case you are not familiar with the book, here’s what the cover looks like.