I keep finding all these old 80s toys everywhere! Today it’s Rainbow Brite and her little sidekick Twink. Oh they take me back.

So I was shopping for school clothes and found this blue skirt for Stella. When checking out, I told the girl that it would also be perfect for the Rainbow Brite costume we were planning. She said “Who’s that?” What? Really? And it then hit me like a 38 year old ton of bricks. I replied “You’re young aren’t you?” I think she said she was 19. I said “One day you’re going to mention something from your childhood to someone and they’re not going to have a clue as to what your talking about. And then you’re going to feel very, very old.”

As you can see, this is a very scrappy outfit. And Twiggy has on the Twink belt but you can’t see it. That’s probably because she’s in desperate need of grooming. She HATES it though. She is completely fine with the costumes, but brushes, scissors, clippers…nope.




These shoes aren’t accurate but they definitely look like some that Rainbow Brite would approve of. I wish we’d done something besides yellow laces though.


Oh the Twigster. And those red socks. God bless her.